
lying | omission | misconstruing | context

i am so exhausted by my words being taken out of context, intentionally misconstrued, lied on...and all of this based on me being lied to in the first place.

i am worn out by those who only want me any way that they can have me.

tired of being lied to. of having important parts omitted. of what is told to me, represented to me, and what is represented to the world being so completely different.

i don't want to be a part of it any more.

who are these people? who am i?

i just want to be left alone now.


Carol Dean Sharpe said...

I have no idea what this is about, but I do know about pain and frustration and so I'm sending you a huge batch of good thoughts and blessings.

sLimn thickums said...


couldn't have said it better myself. i'm going through all kindaa shit right now, girl and yeah, this blog pretty much sums it up.

but WE GON' GET THROUGH IT! hopefully...