do i disappear somewhere?
i don't understand anything. nothing. at all.
what is it that i think i need?
is there love in me that wants to be free?
or am i selfishness and ego? is that what i carry with me everywhere i go?
...this feeling that my life is incomplete.
i only know this...i start to cry. i can't tell you why. i stumble. i can't let people in. because i don't understand anything.
there's this pain in my chest all the time...beyond the physical pain. it's the pain of not knowing what the fuck is going on.
of knowing that everyone is watching me stumble and trip, of my fingers losing my grip, of me being down on my knees. and wondering if this is what they wanted to see?
sometimes, i feel gripped by fear and doubt.
my spiritul advisor said this today : Whenever you are about to achieve something major, a great breakthrough, cross a giant threshold, the dark side of your nature will bombard you with fear and uncertainty. ...it is only with total certainty in your power can you hope to dominate the sabotaging aspect of yourself.
i feel like there is a miracle waiting for me...that all that i need to do is focus on the problem and walk towards it with total certainty. i'm just too attached. i need to detach, and focus on the outcome and not this journey, this oh so difficult journey, that i'm on.
sometimes, i want to say to people...am I bothering you? You wouldn’t be bothered if you knew what I’ve been through.
i know that all the good reasons i have to be mad at people vanish once i take a peek behind the curtain. i have to remember to ask the light/the univere/the gods to help me understand the pain that drives a person, so that i can see their chaos and their pain and their reasons. because that is what i want from them.
i want them to see the pain that drives me, my chaos, my conflict, my struggle.
today, starting today, i want to resist holding onto the bad feelings that i feel. i want to open my heart and focus the beam of my compassion onto the people in my life. i know that i need compassion, love and forgiveness.
i am prepared to give what i need. i am asking the universe for patience in the receiving of what i need.
i am asking the universe for guidance. for the strength to love myself, to forgive myself, to find the knowledge of what i am worth in this world.
i don't know what i'm worth in this world. i'm self-deprecating. i expect so much and accept so little. i want to know with absolute certainty what i am worth in this world.
my meditation tonight was really good. i met someone great today, a great lady, whose daughter is going through the beginning of what i have lived for the past years. it was all so random, but i feel that the universe placed me in their lives to help her...i honestly didn't even know why i was walking there. and then i was telling her my story. then BAM...she said, i can't believe you said that, about that, because my daughter has all that you have just said and i wasn't going to say anything but when you said ________, i knew for sure that you have really lived it b/c i watch her do that every day. will you help me? will you share with me what you know?
and so i took her info and told her i would contact her tomorrow. i won't leave my bed or my self-suffering for me, but i will do it for others who can benefit from my suffering, and maybe the universe knows this. maybe i'm supposed to start a group or something.
i just know that i'm back to walking the city late at night. i'm restless. i am in transition.
i need a tapeplayer walkman.
i need to prepare for tomorrow.
Happy Passover.
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