today was good.
the walks with the dogs were good, and annabelle has decided that i am friend and not foe. this is good news...primarily b/c annabelle has very sharp teeth. lol.
i only had to spend 19 minutes on the phone with apple tech gods before my problem was corrected - i think that's a new record!!
and, i got to see a movie that i've been looking forward to at my favorite theatre with my dude & have a hebrew national hot dog! yay!! tonight, we saw Reign on Me. it was good...surprisingly so. i cried a lot (bear in mind that i'm on hormone replacement therapy). but, the dialogue is good, the music is good, the chemistry between the actors *especially Don and Adam* is surprisingly good. overally, very good flick.
tomorrow night, we are seeing the namesake and then the one hour q&a with the actor afterwards - & then Rareform!! *lol - shoutouts to Tara, whose JUST LOVE AND SUPPORT RAREFORM AND SHUT UP, runs through my head about three times a day, but usually with a different word substituted for Rareform. lol.
anyway, things maybe will be level one day, where i can foresee a future of good days. but, until then, i will enjoy them as they come.
today was a good day.
(i didn't even have to use my AK)
you knew i couldn't resist the ice cube moment.
have a great weekend my lovelies.
and thanks for the email support.
a- out.
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