the thing that i love so much about my computer is that even though i'm in bed is that i can continue to live. i can shop and talk (type) to my friends. i can read about my medicines and my symptoms and plan out my recovery and look for the color that i want to paint my room, i can 'live', even though i'm not allowed out of bed.
my neuro sent me to the hospital today. i'm feeling somewhat better. yay! i'm going back to work tomorrow. i only have two weeks of work left before the surgery. it's finally creeping up quickly.
wow. soon, i will be on the other side of a hysterectomy. unbelievable.
i've lost so much weight. one of my girlfriends the other day made a comment about how tiny and fragile i look now, how i seem to barely be, and how she was going through pictures from when i was in the Roots Okay Players Ladies Month - i think i was Miss July, and how i don't even look like the same person any more. and it's true. i was so thick then...and the reason anyone even noticed me at all is because the boys noticed how thick my hips and thighs were, 'especially for a white girl', and so i didn't get treated like a newbie at all. lol.
and that may seem laughable, but i was uber sick, it's when i first got so sick the first time, and i was on bed rest for six months, and had to mov back in with my family b/c the hospital wouldn't release me to anyone except for them b/c i lived alone. so, my aunt and uncle drove from texas, like a 13 or 14 hour drive, and picked me up, and in one and a half days i had to give everything away and sale everything and be out. and then be on bedrest trapped in a house with my intensely psycho-religious family. so that message board provided me with outside contact and friends, people to interact with.
lol. i've chosen winners for my snail mail contest. it was awesome and one my 'gooder' ideas!!
i hope that all is well with you, my readers. i finally have a lessening in my head pain and i'm relieved.
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