that is what i look like with a migraine. today, i was in hour 33 of a migraine when he said that. i am now in hour 41 of the migraine. i have taken five doses of the medicine, given myself a shot, taken the narcotics, had body work done. nothing is staving it.
according to my neurologist, it has reached my central nervous system and will last four days. it hurts so bad that my speech is slurred and my eyes are twitching.
i did not get out of bed until 7 p.m. yesterday. i went back to bed at midnight, after giving myself a shot of anti-inflammatories, a shot of narcotics and taking a sleeping pill. i woke up at 6.30, feeling like someone was hammering spikes into my brain.
i emailed my boss that if i came it at all, it wouldn't be until noonish, i then took another handful of pills and went back to sleep. i got to work at 12.36, looking as lovely as i described.
and my boss said - 'whoa, you look like the walking dead.'
they were compassionate, don't get me wrong. she suffers migraines, they got me the best neurologist in the country, and he is always researching the new info for migraine sufferers and passing it along to both of us, utilizing the doctors on the board of his non-profit any time that new info is presented that we don't understand.
seriously, he calls me upstairs and we conference call chiefs of staff of huge name hospitals so that i can ask them questions about articles in medical/science magazine regarding migraines and treatment.
but yeah, i don't look so hot. and he's not so suave with the words.
i actually ate half a cheeseburger, b/c they forced me too, probably the most solid food i've eaten in any one sitting in forever.
rob's coming next week, i'm excited. he's currently picking out our seats for the roots concert (thanks yo, for knowing that my head just hurts too bad to fuck with it). so, it's going to be a weekend full of love - my birthday party on friday night, which i've got friends willing to fly in for!, the roots concert on saturday, the superbowl on sunday, and then i think we're going to take a road trip to vegas on monday! yay!
so the girl i liked the best in the office just resigned.
blech blfaiodioagnvnl;nrfhatioh;ragnlanlnflhrhieahriahdnfan;.
my fucking head hurts and i want a hug but i got nobody to hug me.
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